Nutripe dog food is specially formulated by animal nutrition experts to give your dog the best nutrition available. Tripe is the stomach of grazing animals like sheep and cows, which are ruminants: animals with a four-chambered stomach to aid them in processing the tough-to-digest grasses and hay they eat. The unique qualities of their stomachs make tripe an incredibly nutrient-rich food that both humans and animals have been eating for thousands of years. "Green" tripe refers to raw, unprocessed tripe that retains all its rich nutrition. Nutripe uses green tripe in all its dog food recipes, providing unmatched nutritional value.
Nutripe's ingredient selection and manufacturing standards are extremely high in quality. This healthful, delicious dog food will aid your dog's full-body health by providing enzymes, fatty acids, nutrients, and overall 100% ideal canine nutrition as nature intended. We are very proud to carry Nutripe dog food at Doggyfriend, and we're sure your best buddy will love it!
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