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Richell Plastic 3-way Playpen 4 Panel
Richell Plastic 3-way Playpen 4 Panel

Richell Plastic 3-way Playpen 4 Panel

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Pet Cages, Pens and Gates
Part Number: 588017, 588116, 588215
Availability: Back Order Please allow 5 working days

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Plastic 3-way Playpen 4 panel come in 3 size 

Settle a dedicated space for pets' living and let pets feel safe. 

Can be set at the entrance of room or stairs, or other places forbid pets going to. 

Complete side-cover to prevent pets' sneaking in. an be used to separate a wide space and sharing the individual space with pets.

Can also be used to make a dedicated pet corner in the room by changing assembling method. Can open to either outside and inside for a smooth path through. 

One hand lock and open. 

The inset type panel can be assembled without tools.

Made by waterproofed, no rusted plastic material that can also be used outdoor. 

You can have three ways to use according to the demand. 

Made by durable material for long-term use.

Can be used either indoor and outdoor.

588017 - L84 x W84 x H52cm RRP $483
588116 - L84 x W84 x H72cm RRP $631
588215 - L84 x W84 x H92cm RRP $770

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